Greek Salad with Yogurt Marinated Lemon Oregano Chicken

Summer calls for easy, fresh recipes with ingredients that help us adapt to warmer temperatures. In summer months, there is an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruit at the farmers market, that makes it perfect for a variety of delicious salads.
This Greek salad is easy to make and is perfect for summer with cooling cucumbers, juicy tomatoes and crisp green bell peppers. Served with yogurt marinated chicken with flavors of zesty lemon and bold and earthy oregano, this meal is full of flavor. Making yogurt marinated chicken requires a bit of planning, but the result is so worth it – chicken tastes tender and juicy. It makes an easy dinner or lunch that your whole family will love. I hope you enjoy!

Greek salad with yogurt marinated lemon oregano chicken
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Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 15 Mins
Cook Time Passive Time
35 Mins 2 H Marinate chicken
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 15 Mins
Cook Time Passive Time
35 Mins 2 H Marinate chicken
Greek salad with yogurt marinated lemon oregano chicken
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Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 15 Mins
Cook Time Passive Time
35 Mins 2 H Marinate chicken
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 15 Mins
Cook Time Passive Time
35 Mins 2 H Marinate chicken
Yogurt marinated chicken
Servings: Servings
  1. 1. To marinate chicken: in a medium bowl mix plain Greek yogurt, zest from one lemon, juice of one lemon, salt, pepper, oregano. Add the chicken breast and turn to coat, cover and refrigerate for 2 hours. 2. When the chicken is ready, preheat the oven to 375 F. 3. Bake chicken covered in a large baking dish for 20 minutes, then bake uncovered for another 10 -15 minutes until meat is tender. 4. Chop tomatoes, cucumbers, green bell pepper, red onion into large chunks. 2. Cut feta cheese into small cubes. 3. In a medium bowl, combine all the ingredients, drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper and dry oregano. Mix well. 4. Serve the salad with chicken. Enjoy!
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