Supergreen Spring Salad with Roasted Asparagus

  1. Spring is here! It’s time to explore what is available seasonally in spring at your local farmer’s market. Seasonal and local produce contain the highest level of nutrients and phytochemicals (substances in plants that prevent diseases).  And seasonal foods are much more cost effective as they are available in greater abundance with more organic choices.  Asparagus, used in this recipe, is versatile, nutritious spring vegetables that has many health benefits. Asparagus is a great source of vitamins A, C and K, iron, potassium, iron, and fiber. Asparagus is high in the brain-vitality vitamin folate. Asparagus contains prebiotic fiber that nourishes and stimulates growth of our friendly bacteria in large intestine. This super green salad is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Enjoy!
Supergreen Spring Salad with Roasted Asparagus
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Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 10 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 10 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Supergreen Spring Salad with Roasted Asparagus
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 10 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 Servings 10 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes
Servings: Servings
  1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Cut the ends of asparagus off, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 15 minutes. 2. Chop all the ingredients, transfer to a mixing bowl. 3. Chop roasted asparagus into pieces and add to the mixing bowl. 4. Combine olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in the small bowl and mix well for a dressing. 5. Add shredded goat cheese to the mixing bowl. Mix all the ingredients before serving. 6. Enjoy!
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